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The Importance of Risk and Return in Real Estate Investments

In the world of real estate investing, understanding the importance of risk and return is crucial for success. Dave Allred, an experienced investor and business owner, highlights this concept on Justin Donald’s podcast The Lifestyle Investor. With years of experience in sales leadership and real estate, Allred has built an impressive portfolio and achieved financial freedom at the young age of 36.

Allred’s journey began in a small town in Utah, where he grew up in a very low-income, blue-collar home. Despite the lack of financial education and resources, he made a commitment as a teenager to uplevel his life and do whatever it took to succeed. This determination led him to a door-to-door sales job selling security systems in Chicago, where he faced enormous challenges and failures.

However, Allred’s persistence and willingness to learn from his experiences eventually paid off. He sold 120 accounts in his first summer, earning $31,000 which was more than anyone in his family had ever earned.

He then went on to manage 121 teams across 41 states as a regional Vice President for the company. During this time, he also began investing in real estate as a side hustle, starting with a 4-plex and gradually scaling his portfolio to include ownership in over 1,000 rental units.

Understanding Risk and Return for Real Estate Investments

In real estate investments, the concept of risk-return refers to the relationship between the potential risks of loss involved in an investment and the expected returns from that investment. This relationship is fundamental in making investment decisions, as it helps investors weigh the potential rewards against the inherent risks.

Let’s take a look at some advice Allred has for those stepping into the world of real estate investing.

1. Have a Growth Mindset and Be Curious

One of the key lessons Allred learned early on was the importance of having a growth mindset and always being curious. He emphasizes that mindset is everything and that limiting beliefs can hold people back from reaching their full potential.

Different investors have different financial goals, whether it’s steady rental income, long-term capital growth, capital preservation, tax benefits, or a combination. Understanding risk and return helps these investors tailor their investment strategies to meet these specific objectives, ensuring a more targeted and effective approach. By maintaining a commitment to being a lifelong student and operating with humble confidence, Allred has been able to continuously expand his knowledge and take on bigger challenges.

2. Being Intentional and Clearly Defining Outcomes Goes a Long Way

When it comes to real estate investing, Allred stresses the importance of having intentionality and clarity. He developed a system called “Lifestyle Design” to help him define his goals and reverse engineer the process of achieving true financial freedom.

By calculating his annual cost of living, current passive income, and the gap between the two, he set a specific target of acquiring 40 rental properties by age 40. Once he achieved this goal at age 36, he then upped the goal to ownership in 1,000 rental properties, which he was able to achieve prior to turning 41.

This approach highlights the importance of understanding risk and return in real estate investments. Having a clear grasp of these concepts can foster greater confidence among investors, as it ensures their decisions are based on sound financial principles and clearly defined outcomes.

3. Make Purposeful Investments

In addition to setting financial goals, Allred emphasizes the importance of tying purpose to money. He believes that the more emotion and passion you put behind your financial aspirations, the easier it becomes to attract money and be a good steward of that capital. By focusing on how his investments can create a quality life for his family and give back to others, Allred has been able to stay motivated and driven.

This purposeful approach is closely tied to understanding risk and return. By clearly defining his goals and the emotional drivers behind them, Allred can make more informed investment decisions that align with his values. This helps manage risks more effectively, ensuring that each investment not only offers a good return but also supports his broader life objectives.

Balancing Risk and Return: The Key to Purpose-Driven Financial Success

Dave Allred’s journey from a small-town upbringing to achieving financial freedom through real estate investing is a testament to the power of persistence, curiosity, and intentionality. By maintaining a growth mindset, setting specific goals, and tying purpose to money, Allred has been able to build a successful business and create true freedom for himself and others.

Central to his success is his understanding of risk and return. By carefully balancing the potential risks of his investments with the expected returns, Allred ensures that each decision supports his financial goals and lifestyle freedom goals. This strategic approach not only maximizes his freedom but also aligns with his purpose, driving him to achieve more while managing risks effectively.

What Does “Recession-Resilient”
Actually Mean?

Recession-resilient real estate has long been considered an optimal way to generate financial freedom for yourself and create generational wealth while mitigating risk, but how do you define “recession-resilient”, and is all real estate considered recession-resilient?

While it’s true that all asset classes move in cycles with corresponding peaks and valleys, including real estate, not all real estate is equally affected by recessions. Recession-resilient real estate refers to assets that are able to withstand economic downturns and maintain their value and/or generate revenue during periods of economic distress.

Historical trends show us that real estate generally experiences less volatility and holds its value better than stocks, cryptocurrencies, private equity, etc., considering their prices can drop to zero. The chart below by CoStar shows the performance of commercial real estate compared to the stock market and REITs as we entered the downturn.

Another fundamental factor of real estate holding its value is that it is a tangible asset. Brick and mortar, strategically located, creates lasting value as infrastructure is necessary for communities.

Understanding that real estate generally holds its value stronger than other investment vehicles during a recession sets the foundation for understanding specific real estate sectors that historical data has shown to perform the strongest. Let’s dive deeper into these asset classes.

One of the primary markers of a recession-resilient asset is being able to generate positive cash flow. This is not only because of the consistent and predictable cash flow but because this cash flow helps ensure that the debt service can be maintained (effectively avoiding the largest risk in real estate investing – defaulting on the debt service and losing control of the asset).

Here at Axia Partners, we focus on four specific cash-flowing asset types:

Multifamily: Shelter is a primary human need. People will always need a place to live, making affordable living a necessity, not a commodity. Multifamily also benefits from having longer lease agreements (typically 12 months), which helps maintain occupancy levels and create consistent revenue regardless of macroeconomic cycles.

Because recessions erode consumer confidence and increase risk aversion, many households in a place to buy homes hold off until conditions feel less risky. Historically, those in apartments stay put or downgrade to Class B or C asset classes. The chart below by Costar shows multifamily vacancy over the past two years, indicating stable demand for Class B and C units.

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, multifamily apartments experienced an average decline in value of just 2.3%, compared to a decline of almost 30% for single-family homes during the 2008-2009 recession.

Self-Storage: Americans are consumers! This is especially true during favorable economic times, causing consumers to need extra space to store valuables. On the flip side, self-storage has also performed very well during the worst times. During downturns, people need to downsize their homes or businesses but don’t want to part from their belongings, leading to increased demand for storage facilities to store excess belongings. According to a study by the Self Storage Association, self-storage properties experienced an average decline in value of just 0.5% during the 2008 recession.

RV Parks: The demand for RV parks is less sensitive to economic downturns as people are looking for more affordable vacation options as consumers focus on affordability. During the pandemic, RV parks were booked to capacity across the country, with people seeking experiential travel on a budget.

Because RVs are also considered high-ticket investments, consumers want to get the most out of their investments. During the pandemic, Cheryl Smith of The National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds reported, “We have lots of RV parks where occupancy rates are up 13 to 14% with the U.S. national increase averaging out at nearer 5%.”

Lastly, RVX, the RV Experience, found that the number of people who identify as full-time RVers has increased by nearly 50% over the past decade, with more than one million Americans now living in RVs full-time. This makes RV parks move the necessity sector as those claiming it as their full-time home grows.

Industrial: Industrial is expected to be one of the top-performing real estate classes due to demand to move and store essential goods. We consider industrial warehouses as recession resilient for several other reasons as well, including:

  • In general, having longer-term leases
  • Historical trends of low vacancy rates
  • Historical trends of low vacancy rates
    And perhaps most important is the continued shift to E-commerce business – a trend that we believe will continue to expand.

According to a study by the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, industrial properties experienced an average decline in value of just 0.8% during the last recession.

All four asset types provide essential services and have historically shown a powerful resiliency during recessionary environments. We at Axia Partners focus on these asset types because our highest priority is always, first and foremost, protecting investor capital, followed by generating strong returns on capital.

Most people fear recessionary environments. However, for those that are prepared and willing to embrace change with nimbleness, recessions can be a lucrative time to buy assets at a steep discount. While no one can predict the future in these volatile times, I’m confident that smart disciplined investors focused on recession resilient cash flowing asset classes will come out on top.

Dave Allred Lists the Benefits of Clearly Defining Goals before Embarking on a Journey

If you’re ready to change your life, it might be tempting to simply jump right in without a clear blueprint in mind. However, setting goals and organizing your life is one of the first steps to changing your situation and reaching for success. Dave Allred is a real estate investor who started his journey knowing where he wanted to go, which helped him achieve the extreme success he has today.

Dave Allred started his adult life knowing little about money and how to manage it. He began his career doing door-to-door sales before moving to manage 100 teams in 41 states with the world’s largest smart home security company. However, he knew he wanted to achieve more; he just had to figure out how to accomplish it. So he started out by outlining his goals for real estate investment. At the age of 30, he set a goal of owning 40 rental doors by the age of 40. “I really internalized this goal and made it my mission to achieve it,” Allred says. “I lived by it and thought of it as one of the most important things in my life.” He reached this target by 36, and decided to set the goal of 1,000 rental doors by age 40. Through sheer focus, he’s already achieved it, and now plans to own 10,000 rental doors by the age of 45. “It’s all because I knew what I wanted and how to set realistic goals.”

In order to achieve success like him, Allred recommends a “lifestyle design,” which is a blueprint for exactly what you want in your life. You can outline your core values, mission statement, non-negotiables, and other key areas. This will help you prioritize your time and know what you’re working toward. “Many people spend more time planning a vacation than they do planning their life,” he said. “You need clear-cut goals before embarking on a journey. Without them, you’ll find yourself floundering, unable to really accomplish what you want.”

To do this, you should write down your goals for the next year, five years, and 10 years. Many people overestimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can do in five or 10 years. “Writing down your goals is one of the most important things. Studies have proved that simply writing them down improves your accountability and makes it much more likely that you’ll succeed.” You can track your progress along the way and change the steps you’re taking to achieve your goals. It’s normal to get off track and have to change your path; just work to focus and find your way back. Allred also recommends having fun while you make your goals. “If you’re not enjoying moving toward a goal, maybe it’s not the right one for you. Pay attention to how you feel every day. If it’s a slog, you won’t achieve your dreams and won’t be happy with your life!”

Dave Allred loves setting goals for himself before he starts a new project. He thinks that you’ll be able to find similar success if you too follow the same pattern.

Dave Allred on Leveraging Social Media for Adding Value to People’s Lives

The perils of social media are well known, from the fear that Instagram is creating unrealistic body standards to the dangers of cyberbullying. While these fears are based in fact, the positive effect that social media can have on our lives is often overlooked. Social media has greatly evolved since it first emerged as a tool for making connections and building friendships; it is now considered to be a formative part of modern life. Financial expert and advisor Dave Allred is familiar with demonstrating people how they can reap financial rewards and see the value in every situation. Here, Allred shares his insights on how social media can be used to add untold value to people’s lives.

According to Dave Allred, social media has brought value to people’s lives in two very definitive ways: by providing access to information and by allowing them to network and create connections. Using the world of finance and investment as an example, Allred states that within the Internet age, people’s lives have been enhanced through access to information on stocks, trading, and investment, thanks to Facebook Groups that share vital tips on how to build wealth. He adds that this greater access to knowledge through social media has brought concepts and ideas to the attention of people who otherwise wouldn’t have had access to this knowledge and information. 

Networking, Allred says, is one of the greatest advancements that social media has brought to modern life, as it allows people of any background or social standing to connect without barriers. Expanding on this insight, he says, “Social media platforms are launch pads for any career that a person would like to pursue. Through the power of social media, you can reach out to leaders of any industry, engage with them and benefit from their knowledge.” Allred explains that the concept of using social media to add genuine value to people’s lives has grown with the rising popularity of personalized branding and ethical marketing. Expanding on this, he says, “Ethical marketing puts an emphasis on honesty and authenticity, and brands using social media today lean into these traits and seek to share content that can render genuine value to people’s lives.”

Allred began his professional life within the sales industry, though he has always had an interest in the world of finance and investment. The leadership skills that he developed while overseeing over a hundred sales teams across 40 states laid the foundation for his career as a successful financial advisor. Allred brought his collective experience and expertise in both leadership and finances to Foresight Wealth Management, a company that provides its clients with support in every area of financial planning and investment management. 

Social media is no longer just a tool that can be used to connect with others. Dave Allred believes that the power of social media to add value to people’s lives is now greater than anyone could have ever predicted. 

Why Dave Allred Believes Relationships Are the New Currency in the Business World

Dave Allred is a textbook example of a people person. He is also a self-described lifelong student who pursues knowledge and personal development. His natural skills were on full display as he excelled in the challenging job of door-to-door sales. Today, Allred applies his impressive interpersonal aptitude to real estate, and has just come off a record-breaking year.

To achieve this success during a global pandemic, Dave Allred took an unconventional approach that yielded stellar results. The years of door-to-door sales laid the foundation for his mantra: relationships are the new currency. While networking is heralded as one of the most important facets of any business, Allred has realized it can seem forced or even come across as a gimmick in some situations. Instead, he taps into his uncanny people skills to build authentic and relevant relationships. 

Allred defines networking as prioritizing the relationships that he calls the “new currency in business.” Like any relationship, these take time and effort to cultivate. Allred has learned how to conquer tough situations by learning how to be comfortable even in the most uncomfortable of situations. He sees this as an opportunity to truly get to know a person and secure rather than shy away from a potentially valuable relationship. It also keeps Allred ahead of the competition and provides an effective tool for overcoming challenges, even one as formidable as COVID-19. It is these very challenges which make strong relationships more important than ever.

Allred has seen firsthand how relationships translate to currency. His best deals and partnerships have stemmed from close friends and his social networks. The key word is close, and Allred has learned how to duplicate this closeness across virtual platforms. The pandemic limited personal interaction, but Allred was more than up to the challenge of cultivating strong relationships through social media. Viewing this as yet another opportunity to connect with people on a meaningful level, Allred uses Facebook Groups and Instagram to share purpose-driven content he hopes will add value to people’s lives.

Allred is inspired by numerous people on social media. He follows those he respects and deems social media platforms powerful tools for not just communication but also for collaboration. There is a strong sense of community where members can find motivation in each other’s success and learn how to translate such achievements into their own organizations. Here again, we see the real-world application of Allred’s belief that relationships are the new business currency.

Financial gain, and the freedom it offers, is an effective motivator but Allred considers it a byproduct of the things which matter the most to him: memories, relationships, and experiences. To Allred, the most precious of resources is not money but time – specifically, time that is devoted to fulfilling the lives of others and in turn finding self-fulfillment, which is indeed priceless. Allred devotes a great amount of time to building relationships that transcend currency by adding purpose and value to people’s lives, thus allowing him to enjoy his own to its fullest.

Factors That Will Accelerate Your Journey to Personal Independence According to David Allred

We all aspire to gain financial independence and personal freedom. It offers a sense of relief, comfort, and space and provides a safety net against the hassles of unanticipated crises. However, having complete control over your life and finances is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it is the result of hard effort, sacrifice, and time. There is much to learn and consider as we actively navigate this route to financial and personal independence. We spoke with Dave Allred, a prominent real estate investor, on a few pointers to help you achieve personal and financial freedom faster.

Dave Allred is the founder of Axia Fund and a real estate investor with over 17 years of investing experience. At age 21, he decided to become a lifelong student of finance and investment. Dave knew he wanted more for himself regarding financial understanding and freedom because he had never had those critical conversations about money or money management. He desired true freedom, and he saw that money promotes and accelerates the pursuit of personal independence. He recognized he’d have to improve his financial knowledge dramatically. While he still actively pursues knowledge and personal development, he attributes much of his personal and professional success to that commitment made so early in his life.

According to Dave Allred, some people may achieve their financial independence by focusing on the numbers and planning out their financial journey, but it also extends beyond an autopilot strategy of saving, reducing expenses, and maximizing profits. “It’s about learning, refining skills, and mindsets and seizing opportunities while growing through the process,” he affirms. Firstly, Dave has always braced the comfort of going uncomfortable in order to achieve enormous success in what many would consider a very difficult field. He’s mastered and accepted the concept of “being at ease with being uncomfortable.” Many people avoid discomfort, but Dave sees this as a terrific opportunity to really lean in and double down in order to find success and gain a leg up on the competition. With the enormous challenges of 2020, Dave believes that this approach, more than anything else, has been the driving force for his record-breaking success and personal independence.

Networking has also been key in his journey to financial freedom. Dave rethinks networking as truly prioritizing relationships. It’s the authenticity and relevance that distinguishes the development of relationships from mere networking. “I feel like relationships are the new currency in business. I’ve always loved the expression of ‘who you do business with is naturally who you do life with,’ and real estate has allowed me to accomplish this. Relationship building has never been more critical than in our ongoing environment, where how those relationships are built has had to be rethought due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Beyond a continuous, relentless drive to learn also lives a yearning to document and measure success. Dave spent a significant amount of time creating what he calls his “Lifestyle Design,” which is a blueprint for exactly what he wants in his own life. By clearly outlining his core values, mission statement, non-negotiables, and several other vital areas, he’s found this to be extremely helpful as it provides him with clarity, confidence, intentionality, balance, and perhaps most importantly; how to prioritize the most precious resource of all, time. Dave Allred believes that financial gain is a strong motivator. If we can get crystal on what we really wish for in the long-term and have the right habits and behavior, we can accomplish amazing, significant things, but it takes time.